An Evening with Robert F. Kennedy Jnr
Nephew of President John F. Kennedy and son of Senator Robert F. Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy visited Auckland to speak at an exclusive gala dinner.
The Kennedy name is synonymous with making waves and having an impact on American and world history. Robert F. Kennedy Jnr is no different as he makes waves around the world. The first Kennedy to speak publicly in New Zealand, he brings the Kennedy charisma, style and passion as an advocate of the environment.
Bobby could have done many things with his life, but he has chosen to fight for everyone’s right to clean water and air by taking on the big corporate polluters and holding them accountable for their actions.
The biggest environmental speaker to come to New Zealand since Al Gore, Bobby is named one of Time Magazine’s “Heroes for the Planet”. Armed with a master’s degree in Environmental Law, Mr Kennedy “walks his talk”. He spoke candidly about his resolute defence of the environment which stems from a litany of successful legal actions.
The evening concluded with live entertainment by entertainers Andrew Mockler and Becky Murray.
Charity Recipient - School Aid
School Aid: Global Partnerships through Schools
"An investment fund will be established that will be overseen by New Zealand school children, the dividends will aid schools in developing countries. This teaches New Zealand school children about investments and markets and about the lives of their counterparts in poor countries. They will be able to assist schools in developing countries. Everyone wins and learns."
Rt Hon Mike Moore
Director-General, WTO (1999-2002)
Former Prime Minister, New Zealand
Watch Mike Moore talk about "School Aid"
on TV One's Breakfast, 27 October
Click Here to view the AUT University
Media Announcement, 27 October 2009
Robert F. Kennedy Jnr
Keynote Speaker

Rt Hon Mike Moore
Founder: School Aid

Simon Dallow
Master of Ceremonies

Dave Dobbyn
Kiwi Music Icon